Kings and Queens

Embrace Self-Love with Shea Butter this Month of Love
Feb 07, 2024
February, the month of love, is not just about showering affection on others but also...

How To Give Massage To A Baby: A Step-By-Step Guide
May 14, 2023
As we celebrate mothers Day #KingsandQueens: let’s remember all mothers beautiful traditions that added up...

The Importance of Shea Butter Trees in Empowering Women and Reducing Unemployment in Ghana
Apr 22, 2023
In the savannah regions of West Africa, where the sun shines hot and the earth...

Breast Cancer Awareness in Africa
Oct 31, 2022
Violence against women (VAW) is a global problem affecting millions of women and girls of...

EDIBLE Shea Butter –  A Healthy Alternative To Fats / Oils
Jul 21, 2022
Fresh Shea fruit A Healthy Alternative To Fats / Oils EDIBLE Sheabutter is a big...

Calabash and Fatherhood
Jun 17, 2022
Fresh Calabash fruit The Calabash The calabash is an original fruit of Africa. The calabash...