Kings and Queens

Fresh Calabash fruit The Calabash The calabash is an original fruit of Africa. The calabash is a gourd fruit that is hallowed out and adapted for the use as utensils.This wide fruit was grown in A...
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African Motherhood and Shea Butter
From the moment a child is born in the remote suburb of traditional Africa; Sheabutter will be used, for lubricating the delivery process and for giving baby her first wipe. Babies are often born ...
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Hi there #KingsandQueens: Welcome to Bolgatanga where I was born and the home of beautiful natural elephant grass Baskets.Although baskets are woven in most African cultures, the quality and master...
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#GhanaMonth - Celebrating Women and Ghana's History Month
Ghana Month To know exactly where you’re going, you first need to understand where you have come from. For that you need an appreciation of history. Hi There # KingsandQueens: The 2nd best time to...
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Labour of Love - How women love the toil of producing shea butter naturally
The story of shea is one of love itself - love that has survived several generations and will continue to endure for several more. In the month of love, the love story brewed in the savannahs of n...
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From Tamale to the World – home of the best shea butter in the world
HAMAMAT takes you on a journey to where and how our ancestors who had a rich and deep connection with the earth cared for their body mind and soul using ingredients provided to them by their natur...
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Hello KingsandQueens and Welcome to 2022 As the world as we know it becomes even more uncertain [you can blame COVID 19 for that], one certainty still holds true – We must preserve and sustain our...
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